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Waking up isn't the hardest part, falling asleep again is.

As much as I hate to admit it
I think you're back to being a dream
And I think that's the hardest thing of all

I spent night after night
Thinking I'd never have you
Fearing that I'd never be done

Years and years

It feels like decades

Then you were there
All sparks and magic and impossible reality
With your hand in mine
Your breath in my face
And your smile in my eyes

And it was for me

Not just directed at me

But because of me

It made my knees shake
And set my heart racing like a greyhound

And life was good.

Life still is

But your smile is yet again
Directed at me

It's not for me

Not because of me

It makes my throat ache
And it makes my heart pound slow and deep and hard

Even if it is just for a second or two

Not so much because you're no longer mine

But because I'm back to dreaming of love

Instead of tasting it on my lips

And smelling it's lavender scent on my pillows

It feels like I was dreaming
Woke up
And now I'm back to sleep

But now the dreams are a paler shade

And my sheets smell like green apple fabric softener.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Albin Jonsson
Läst 338 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-11-12 10:54

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Albin Jonsson
Albin Jonsson