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"I have seen too many men make empty their souls to believe in forgiveness. They stare the thousand yards and long for the end of their road. Yet they know that they have forfeited salvation. And so all they can do is live." - Journal by a WWII soldier.

The last dispatch of a broken soul.

"I am compromised.
Corrupted by a desire to see where the road would lead. I was compelled to see it through, beyond the easy answers and superficial satisfaction. I chose to stick it out, to finalize my descent into the dark and the wretched. I could have left, turned my back on the questions that drove me ever onwards. Never was the way back closed. Never was the light so distant as to be unseen. I just did not want to see it. Could not back away.
Oh mother, what have I opened my soul to? Now that I have seen where I am willing to go, I ask what evils have I already justified? How many sins have fled from this darkened corner of my ambitious soul?

I have torn away too much, dismissed too many doubts. Now let me stand as warning. Down this road lie only fallow fields and harrowed plains. A domain of the empty and the foolish who assumed that greatness was their rightful prerogative. That glory was their birthright. Only we roam this place, shedding phosphorous tears on pale and hollow cheeks that have long since forgotten the warmth of the light.
Dear God, how they burn."

Prosa av Albin Jonsson
Läst 336 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-06-24 01:18

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Albin Jonsson
Albin Jonsson