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Tack till Emma, som berättar vad hon ser och inte vad hon hoppas att jag vill höra.

Of wishes and fancies

Sometime it hits you when you least expect it:

I haven't done anything worthwhile in two months time...

I haven't written something that might actually last
I haven't read a book that I didn't read to fast

I haven't painted a picture, not even bothered to start
Nor have i sketched a face that belongs to a heart

Haven't held someone i care about and whispered tender fallacies
Or told anyone about my most closely-kept fantasies

I should have played an instrument just to feel the music with my fingers
Struck a chord, pure and perfect simply to hear how long it lingers

I wish I'd walked a hundred miles in someone else's shoes
And I wish I had made a bet i couldn't help but lose

Picked a flower for a stranger and picked two for a friend
I wish there were flowers to pick at all, in a garden that I could tend

I want to travel around the world on a whim
Fall into the ocean and only then decide to take a swim

I wish my life was as I've always dreamt it would
And if I can't have it, I wish that someone else could

Fri vers (Fri form) av Albin Jonsson
Läst 249 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-12-04 10:16

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Din engelska är perfekt och jag gillar dina rim! Men, det känns som om denna skulle bli sååå mycket mer rytmisk och hel om du... hur ska jag förklara.. "matchade" raderna så att meningarna blev lika långa. Ett exempel:

"I haven't written something that might actually last
I haven't read a book that I didn't read to fast

I haven't painted a picture, not even bothered to start
Nor have i sketched a face that belongs to a heart "



"I wish I'd walked a hundred miles in someone else's shoes
And made a bet i knew I could only lose"

Rytmen försvinner där. Kanske istället:

"I wish I'd walked a hundred miles in someone else's shoes
I wish I'd made a bet when I knew I would only lose"

Förstår du vad jag menar? Håll fast vid rytmen!

Du är bra


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Albin Jonsson
Albin Jonsson