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Killing a man

I wanted to kill a man today.

A man I don't know

other than what I saw on tv.

A man whose words

made me so mad

that i could actually see myself

pull the trigger against his head

and kill him.

The experience shock me

to say the least,

I could not understand how

his stupid words could provoke me so.

Yet his stupidity keeps popping up

and the desire to spare the world

of his existence gets only stronger

That "charming" man was an american

from the northwest, near Canada

and he had declared war against wolfs.

He wanted to kill every single one

because he thought the killed in a mean way.

To prove that he pulled out photos of a deer

with it's throat cut open and blood all around.

And he thought that was mean.

If it was because he wanted that deer for dinner

or just because he is stupid

I guess I will never know

All I can hope on is that his gun backfires.

Though it always seams like his kind

are like cockroaches

Impossible to kill or exterminate...

Fri vers av Sikska
Läst 337 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2013-01-23 19:50

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