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Mother of All

Mother of childless screams out a pain
Losing your mind you turn eternal insane
Drowning bodies listen to waves melody
Skin turn to ashes listen carefully
Mother of insane she is on her way
Listen to your breath begging you to stay
Finding her children is a last day of earth
Giving a new monster an greedy birth
Mother is angry for what we have done
She is the one god the only one
Monsters adore her for every life the feed
Blood is captured in our every need
Mother of the undead covers the ground
With every poison that can ever be found
Bloodthirsty minds wander around to sleep
Forever falling in a hell so deep
Mother of oceans
Mother of souls
Mother forcing you to loose control

Mother of evil
Mother of good
Mother don't kill me
I'll try to be good...

Bunden vers (Rim) av Darling she lies...
Läst 268 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-03 21:08

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Darling she lies...
Darling she lies...