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Skriver i princip aldrig på engelska, minns inte varför jag gjorde denna på engelska, men den handlar om personen jag älskat mest av allt någonsin, som jag aldrig mer kommer få älska tillåtet igen.


How could I ever get you out of me?
I got a new life, a happy life, but POOF,
You suddenly pop up in my head.
Totally unprepared and weak,
I can't hold the tears back.
Why ?
You're like the worst drug that I have ever fought for
and tried to get rid of.
For so long time,
you've been in my head.
How could I ever get you out of there?

You can't really see that there still is a part from him,
inside me,
It's buried.
The little part of him is so small,
but still,
it's there.

Deeply buried in my head, in my heart.
Like a bug of some kind.
Like a virus.
Like cancer.
It will never really be gone,
but you can hide it,
hide it for a while,
and still live a happy life.

But when it shows up again,
you will pray for nothing else than it will disappear.
But it wont,
at least, so it seems.

Fri vers av Ferishia-San (Felicia)
Läst 145 gånger
Publicerad 2013-01-28 00:00

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Ferishia-San (Felicia)
Ferishia-San (Felicia)