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brustet hjärta, olyckligt kär

Reduced to ashes

She's there, a thousand miles away
She who holds my heart
Despite my fears, i gave her my all
She said she loved me, yet she went to others
Left in pain, my darkness grows
Mend my heart, an impossible task
Don't think i can go on
My heart reduced to ashes once more

Yet at night, her laughter i hear
With eyes like an angel, looking straight into my soul
Why can't i let go, the pain will just grow..
Death is near, coming as a friend
Like ash in the wind, i slowly drift away
Will i ever find peace, in this cold heartbreaking world..

Fri vers (Fri form) av DRB
Läst 370 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-28 04:37

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