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This is for you. And for me. And for the short time we got. And I do blame myself for it. Because you are perfect but wrong, and I cannot decide whether you are good or bad for me. Whether we belong together. But I can't imagine this passed time without y

Quand tu me quittes

Reaching for the bottle infront of me
Let the coldness from the glas
Touch my lips

And the distinct flavor of the wine
Spreads through my body

Gives a dull feeling
Makes colors blurry
I feel numb

And I stay quiet

Listening to the sound of the refrigerator
And see the bright summer sky turn dark

And embraced by the darkness
I let the wine speak
I let the wine feel
I let the wine cry

And I do punish myself
For my cold emotions

And I do ask myself
For what reason i cannot feel anything
But loneliness

Fri vers (Fri form) av lillonea
Läst 292 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-06-03 22:50

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