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A dirty mess

The devil got me under controll, oh feeling cold cuz no one was there when I sold him my soul,
I wounder how low I can fall but my closest couldn't hear my calls,cause they doped up
by alcohol abuse, weed and nicotine drinkin beer with my peers, reminiscing on our past years
when we dropped our fears, we don't shed no tears
And I still get blamed so I see no change, and the drugs still aiming for my brain,
i'm trapped in the vilolence of the rain
making drugs illigeal wont stop the temptation, so this whole nation just feeds my frustaration,
greedy politicans and the agrevassion leed me to damnation my heart got ripped up
I wish I could see love and humanization and they think they can call this a civilisation,
bitch I got a knife, now feel what you gave to my imagination

My mama told me don't live too fast, but it feels like my time is running out
when I dream about cash and a much more happy life, cause i'm broke and I bet i'll never
get a wife, taking risks and throwing mentally dice, be carefull or you might lose your life
We dreamt about so much more, I saw my brother OD on the bathroom floor
Now rest in peace, cause now he deciesed, i'm on the edge to lose my mind, to help and friends
i'm turning blind
my mentallity was shut reality out all alone, pretending my life was a tv-show
So what should I do, I wounder I wounder, cause I know i'm going under
please god help me clean my plate and get out of this place
cause shit i'm really gettin stressed and too live through struggle and pain i'm not the best
I rather die then be trapped in this mess, so I pray that with this gift i'm finally blessed

Bunden vers av NAGASU
Läst 204 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-18 20:52

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