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Turmoil and Pain

Turmoil and pain
Love and hate
Something I gain
It's like fate

Listening to the tide
Feeling the power
Feeling the ride
Growing by the hour

Looking at the stars
Up in the dark
With the sound of guitars
I feel the spark

Finding it right
It's usally hard
Won't stop to fight
Run the extra yard

Cowardly I seem
I don't dare
With low self-esteem
It just seems fair

Won't take action
I'm a coward
Can't take the reaction
I'm over-powered

Want to bring you a flower
Make you a suprise
Save you from the tower
What will suffice

I'm to scared
What might go wrong
Will we be paired
Will we sing the song

Bunden vers (Rim) av Blomgren
Läst 173 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-29 18:02

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