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från en av Sten Wikings vackra originaltexter "Stjärnögon och Snöstjärnor" http://www.poeter.se/Las+Text?textId=1693095

Star Eyes and Snow Stars (S.Wiking)


Tiny little astronauts they resemble
in their colourful winter costumes,
the joy of living is both seen and heard,
beyond all enviousness of evil.
These small astronauts are
explorers and philosophers,
who's ambition is fathomless,
when their plastic sledge vessels
slides down over the white planets.
In their star eyes becomes what is small
great and unfathomable in one snow star,
who's crystal reflects
in their star eyes.

(Sten Wiking 2 Dec 2013)

L Patrik W Johansson english version 2 Dec 2013

(one hour after)

Övriga genrer (Översättning) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 520 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2013-12-02 22:06

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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP