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från en av Lynx63s vackra originaltexter "Virvelvind" http://www.poeter.se/Las+Text?textId=1652160

Whirlwind (Lynx63)


Silently the train takes us through the forest-valleys
Yes, and also the fields
Pastures with beasts grazing the green grass

The sun is on it's usual journey down 'tween the hills
The day had been warm but pleasant
Picked flowers to place in the vase

Saw children playing in the park
a small dog chasing a ball
it's little master running along

The thoughts are aloft like the swallows in the skies
Just touching upon things a nice feeling
Soon I will be there

In front of the steamengine's wavy motions the station is seen
On the platform it's master stands gesticulating with his flag
People are coming towards us

Everyone wants to get aboard
Myself I am departing
Frolicing down the small gate
The one on the left side of the stationhouse

The wind is caressing me a welcome home
'Tis crunching under my feet
Smiling as even the clay seems friendly

The stones of the churchwalls makes a pattern
The angelic gates makes me atoned
Whispering to all the sleeping souls

I think of you for a while e'ery day
Open the door to the small red house
Bring forth the coffee-parcel with such aroma

It spreads in e'ery nook and cranny
like a whirlwind
filled wit' love

(Lynx63 13 Aug 2013)

L Patrik W Johansson

last verse day after, 14 Aug 13, the rest of the nine verses rendered at 5 Jan 14
sista versen skriven dagen efter, 14 Aug 13, de resterande nio verserna gjorda 5 Jan 14


Övriga genrer (Översättning) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 544 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-05 14:37

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  L Patrik W Johansson VIP
min ff ff Lars Johan Westby
född 1846 Mackmyra by Valbo
var banvakt och stins i Dala Floda & Fisklösen Dalarna

min ff f Johan Emanuel Johansson
född 1872 Gävle
var banvakt och Stationsmästare i Dala Floda & Sandviken

Be well,
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L Patrik W Johansson
L Patrik W Johansson VIP