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Inspirerad av "La Grande Bellezza"

If life is a big party...

If life is a big party
I would enter without invitation
Being just an observer
Sitting in the corner
Sipping a glass of red wine
Watching beautiful women
Beautiful men,
Under their dazzling costumes,
Gowns, make-ups
Splendid colors,
Dancing, shaking, laughing,
While I spot you
My darling,
At the rightest moment
My best age
The dearest part of life is
After party, the next morning
When I woke up in your arms,
To say
Good morning...

Fri vers (Fri form) av bluedröm VIP
Läst 320 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-09-14 11:50

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