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To a friend of mine who passed away 14 years ago, who could have celebrated his 50th birthday on January 25 this year.

When I see you again

What will I say
When I see you again
My dear friend
Long time no see?
Have been missing you so much?
Or simply Hello?

All the years pass on
Ridiculous things and people all around
Luckily you don’t have to see
Small things take place everyday
Like spring breeze, cherry flowers following down
Like summer evening or Christmas songs
Chocolate drink, and baby girls’ smile

It hurts to know you miss them all
And you’re not with us any more
My friend,
I’ll tell you all
When I see you again

All the years’ beautiful moments without you
All the years’ loneliness
All the years’ missing you and

Fri vers (Fri form) av bluedröm VIP
Läst 157 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2021-01-29 19:44

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