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Utdrag från min skrivbok 21 Augusti 2014

21 Augusti 2014

It’s weird being in love with someone you know doesn’t deserve you. To love someone and at the same time know that they’re not right for you. When they’ve shown time and time again that they’re not the person they acted like they were in the beginning, that really they were just playing the entire time. It’s difficult to accept that it wasn’t real, and that you’re actually loving someone who doesn’t exist.

Övriga genrer av Denice
Läst 329 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-09-21 16:38

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  S.A.I. Steve Lando VIP
du är en gudinna och skall behandlas som det med kärlek, åtrå, värme, allsom tid.

personer som ej erkänner det, doesn't deserve you.
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