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That hole in my chest is where my heart used to be

A human so strong

A human so fragile

A human with all her experiences

No one will never really know


Or who she really is

The masks are glued to her

She has no other choice than to keep them on



She tried to fill the hole in her chest

That hole where her heart used to be

She fills it with food, purchases of things she never uses

Nothing can fill that void

That echo in her head is getting louder


Loving couple

Passionate kisses

A tear stream down her face

As it's not her reality

Her hope is out

She's getting older

Soon it will be too late





Feeling safe

Make her dream come true


Fri vers (Fri form) av Amor vincit omnia
Läst 286 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-10-09 18:36

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Amor vincit omnia