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Horror, fiction, short story in English

Soul Snare - Part: 1

"Hey, you got a light?"

The man hidden in shadow produces a lighter and a blue flame licks greedily.

"Thank's a lot.. not much of a talker huh? That's alright, I love the strong, silent types. May I join you?"

At that moment a ghostly notion of a smile could be traced along the mans face.
A bar stool shot-out from nowhere and hit the young woman's legs from behind with force.
You could read the surprise on her face, as she suddenly found herself sitting down next to him.


The chatter from the numerous men died out suddenly, and they all shot a weary look
at the unknown figure in black, now accompanied by a young woman.
Indoor temperature made a sharp drop, the candles along the walls flickering.

The townsfolk here were naturally suspicious of strangers who came through town at night. And for good reason. Tales told by merchants about an unseen dread naught of flesh, seeking to incubate any host rendered defenseless whilst in deep sleep, spread like lightning.

''... Do as you will.''
''Oh-ho! Well a girl is ever so grateful for the courtesy. Tell me.. are you just as good at unfastening a bra?''

Her deep red lips in a lascivious smile.
The giant man in black lifted his glass, with an unknown substance to his mouth.

Not once did he turn to face her or even spare a glance.
''What's your name Mr. Talkative? Don't believe I've ever seen your kind around these parts before...? What are you... a traveler? A mercenary?''

Still no response.

Suddenly his eyes met hers, fixed in a strange glow, like a feline in headlights. It startled her for a second, but she soon found her composure, suppressing any shudder.

''You're shy aren't you? That's okay. I take that as a compliment.''
''Aren't you too young to be roaming the streets at night?''

Offended by the strangers mocking remark, she was about to tell him off, but she couldn't find the strength. She was helplessly drawn to that alluring voice.

''I have enough experience. In fact, I'm the one everybody wants.''
''He-he, you're a strange one...''

The young woman suddenly stands up, cigarette in hand and with a very determined look on her face.
The man seemed unfaced by the sudden proximity of the young girl, pressing her warm body against his cold one and whispering in his ear.

''The name's Scarlett.. and this is my domain, if you buy me whatever you're having in that glass... I'm yours for the taking.''

The young woman returns to her seat beside the motionless man.

''... Is that so. What about your point of origin?''

The young woman starts to lose her patience.

''There is no such thing! Now look here, I have a talent for reading peoples minds.''

''Really? The words coming out of your mouth amuses me.''

''I can tell, just by looking at a man what he desires most...''


''I'm serious! Let me do my thing and you'll experience it first hand. Free of charge of course.''

''As you will.''

She closes her eyes, takes a few deep breaths and a moment to ground herself.

''Come closer... ''

A face materializing out of the darkness, sharp cheekbones and a cruel nose.
His skin ashen and a pair of deep set eyes without eyebrows, iris black as the void and pupils a glowing red. His true intent partially hidden under a jungle of long, raven hair- a predators gaze.

''I should warn you.. I have quite the... singular taste.''

''That's alright.''

''Bartender! The young lady has a thirst.. serve her up.''

Sending a wicked grin, showing off rows of sharp teeth.

A glass slides into his hand and he places it firmly in front of the young girl.
Not losing eye contact. The hair on the young woman's neck stands at an end, her pulse roaring like a battle-drum. A primeval memory surfacing... telling her to run... but it was too late.
She could hear her own voice slipping out.

''I... I see lust enveloped in violence.. you.. you find pleasure in death. To you, there is no separation between the two. You relish in fear..

The diabolic being in front of her with the overwhelming supernatural aura, starts clapping.

''Bravo! An impressive sense of intuition.''

A glass containing the black, thick liquid without odor, was placed into her trembling hands. Claws brushing against her knuckles.

''So this is..?''

''A rare vintage, known for a toxin working as a powerful hallucinogen. That is, falling asleep physically without losing awareness, it will show you the truth, the things imperceptible.''

''And it's made of?''

To that question, the pale man with a reptilians characteristics smirked wickedly.

''I guess you'll find out...''

Prosa (Kortnovell) av J. Herward
Läst 386 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2015-07-01 22:21

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  Lars Hedlin
I like your poem! :)
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J. Herward