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On a loop, with no end in sight


Bittersweet and never ending
(Except maybe in chaos)
A love story on a loop
Rinse, wash and repeat
Another ending of the world
You and me, in this instance
Forever and always
Over and over again
I found you, were I always find you. Every time. On upper deck. Watching the sunrise. You are not, yet, aware of the upending end of it all. If you just would turn around, watch the other side, you would see the monster of a hurricane - bigger than anything you would ever had seen. But you will not.

And this is where I find you. Appreciating the early morning glory, with no care in the world.

And I ask you, as so many times before,‘I hope you’re not planning on jumping off the reel, are you?’.

And you turn around. Looking me up and down. Smiling. Answer.'Of course not Sir. I’m just admiring the view’.

And I know you do, because that is what you always do. Every time. And then I smile.'Good. Because I don’t wanna be the one jumping in after you’.
Of course I do not mean it. But you understand. You always do. Every time.

Your eyes flicker and your mouth opens, asking me, ’ You’re not dancing either?’ You are referring to the chaos of a party going down inside. And I shock my head, that no, 'I can’t dance. But maybe I should try. It could my last chance’.

'What do you mean?’.

I take pity on you, as so many times before and I lay my hands on your shoulders and turn your head, showing you, pointing at the whirl of a wind that comes nearer every second, and telling you,- “Cause, that’s my friend, that’s gonna be our undoing. Another end of the world. Like Titanic but instead of the iceberg there is this monster instead.’

You turn your head around again, looking at me and saying with stern voice, ’ Then we have to dance. You have no saying in this.’

I know you are afraid. I was that too the first times, now not so much but I will always be afraid of losing my chances - with you, saving you, dancing with you even if I have not succeeded yet to do just that - saving you.

You take my silence as a no. Then you tell me that no, 'We are in no real danger here. The engineers on the platform would have warned us by now if it were any problems’.

But no, you could not be more wrong. I know. I have lived this through so many times. The engineers cannot see a thing on their monitors, because they are all sabotaged - someone has deliberately sabotaged this platform. I learnt that the hard way, the first time around.

You are talking again.
'Oh, I think I remember you now’.

I wish you would. But in you sense of time, this is our first meeting. For me this is the 439th time. I have met you like this so many first times before but still, this meeting feels like something new and profound.

'Oh yeah?’.

'Yes! Weren’t you one of those people that tried to bribe yourself a ticket to this ride? I’m certain it was you…and this man telling people to get off the boat?’.

'Yeah, but no. I didn’t do it for a ticket. In the worst case scenario, I had a ticket.’

'But why?’

'I, we, didn’t want people to board the platform. You ask why, the answer is simple, because of the abomination of a hurricane, the one over there. It’s bound to go awry. Many deaths. Maybe no survivors. And of top of that we knew, I know, don’t ask me why but you and everyone else at this death ride will not be warned. The warning systems don’t work. They have been sabotaged’.

Every time around, I see how your face flicks between many different emotions when I tell you these facts. I know you do not really trust me but at the same time you do. You always do.

'At first I actually thought you were a guy.’ (Change of topics again. You are always so good at that. Especially when you are not certain of how to respond to my secrets).

'Yeah, about that. I believe this cruise of a thing wants to play Titanic the full ride through you know, with upper classes and lower class citizens. When I boarded the platform they were low on the lower class side and you know, they even lacked some chaps so I had to play double pretend’.

You smile. 'You make a good impression’.

'Yeah, I’m good at that. I believe I’m the greatest man you will ever meet’. That earns me, as always, a laugh.

I look you in the eye. Your eyes are so lovely. Brown and alive. And the dress you are wearing - absolutely gorgeous, showing off your neck and shoulders. On this ride you represents the higher class and I, the lower class but not really, and it is just pretend anyway.

I smile. Asking. (It is the right time now. The sun is barely up and another end of the world is upon us. Once again).

I holding out my hand towards you and,'May I have this dance, Miss?’

And as always, you blush, taking my hand and as we begin to slow dance around the deck, I hear you murmur against my cheek,


Prosa (Kortnovell) av Celticgirl
Läst 351 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2016-02-14 21:33

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  danne //
It has a nice touch , one can really feel the heat from the words the connection they do into the mind!
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