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Texten till en låt som jag skrev tidigare i dag. Inspirerad av Oteps låt UR a WMN NOW.


You wake up, alone again.
The same way that it’s always been.
But you don’t really care about that.

The sun is shining, birds fly high.
Not a single cloud in the great, blue sky.
Not a single care in your own little world.

You get ready for this brand-new day,
put your clothes on, leave the house and say:
“Bye, mom and dad, I’ll see you soon!”

And you take the bus that’s heading into town.

Hey, little girl, you’re so pretty when you smile.
Won’t you please stay like that all the time?
Alone in this big world, but you still find a way to smile.
I hope you will stay like that all the time.

You get off and go to meet your friends,
have fun and wish that it never ends.
You’re having such a wonderful time.

As the evening comes, you go from pub to pub,
and as the night draws near, you go to the club,
and laugh together as you wait in line.

You get inside and start to dance to the sound.
Feeling tipsy, you fall to the ground.
Two guys pick you up and ask if you’re alright.

Then they lead you to the bar and buy you drinks.
They shower you with compliments, but you can’t think.

They say: “Hey, little girl, you’re so pretty when you smile.
Won’t you please stay like that all the time?
Alone in this big world, but you still find a way to smile.
Now, come with us and we will have a good time.”

You’re lead away to a closed-off space,
can’t find your friends, not even a trace.
The guys corner you, alone.

They tell you that you’ll be just fine,
but you see the devil in their eyes,
so you try to run but they shove you to the ground.

One of them traps your hands in his
and leans down as he steals a kiss.
And the other starts to tear at your clothes.

You’re powerless to fight so you close your eyes.
Let them have their way and maybe you will be just fine.

Hey, little girl, you’re so pretty when you cry.
But now you’d better stay quiet for a while.
Hey, pretty girl, come on now, don’t be shy.
This will all be over in a while.

You wake up, alone again.
The fear is now your only friend.
You will never be the same again.

The sun is shining, birds fly high.
But you stay inside as the days go by.
You never want to leave again.

You should get ready for this brand-new day,
but all you want is to go away.
You will never be yourself again.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av INM
Läst 465 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-05 22:14

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