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Låttext som jag började skriva för ett år sedan och som jag skrev klart tidigare i veckan. Texten handlar om en person som kämpar med psykisk ohälsa som här personifieras som "you", vilket tydliggör hur osunt deras "förhållande" är.

Drugs And Candy

Wake up, tie me to the bed, and let me fall back asleep.
Shut up, get out of my head, I just want to sleep.
You torture me with memories just like every other morning.
But you don't seem to notice that my body's not responding.
So I get up and I'm seeing red, but you shove me to my knees.

Hit me hard, and make me feel loved.
Tie me up, so that I can be free.
Crush my heart, and watch me fall apart.
Choke me, please, so that I can finally breathe.

I take a shower, drink some tea, and then I brush my teeth.
You scan my skin for secrets I could keep, hidden underneath.
I spend a couple of hours lying on the bedroom carpet.
Then you tell me that you're ready, so I get out of the apartment.
But you pull me back in, take my keys, and shove me to my knees.

Hit me hard, and make me feel loved.
Tie me up, so that I can be free.
Crush my heart, and watch me fall apart.
Choke me, please, so that I can finally breathe.

Shaking hands and tired eyes, I'm searching for some peace.
But your hands lie heavy on my thighs, and my mind slips out of reach.
I scream at you to stop this, please, and beg of you to vanish.
You punch my gut and tell me that disobedient girls get punished.
On the bed, the cold air gives me chills, and you rob me of my speech.

Give me drugs and candy, let me play with my dollies.
I'm only happy when I cry.
Go ask Daddy for a bed-time story.
Take me to the diamond sky.

Give me drugs like candy, make me play with my demons.
It only hurts until you die.
Go tell Daddy that I want my freedom;
That I won't be happy 'til I die.

I scream at you to stop this, please, and beg of you to vanish.
You lean in close and tell me that disobedient girls get punished.
So you slit my wrists and feed me pills, and I wash them down with bleach.

Hit me hard, and make me feel loved.
Tie me up, so that I can be free.
Crush my heart, and watch me fall apart.
Choke me, please, so that I can finally breathe.

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av INM
Läst 438 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2018-03-02 21:33

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