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Dikt beskrivande mina tankar om livet. Ganska vag och oklar.


Fingers like coal, stretching out in the cold.
Reaching through snow, together we go,
as we set sail to the end of our days.

Whispers like fire that tell of desire.
A promise of peace, to put worlds at ease.
Tonight we will rest to the beats in our chests.

Then, roaring like thunder, coming from under,
were wolves of war, that howled by our door:
“Bring forth the chaos of flame and destruction,
and let loose the false face of mindless seduction.”

Though clear as the skies, they fell from up high
down into the earth to suffer rebirth.
And yet, once again, the wolves ease our pain.

Let day break our minds, and sever our ties
with all we hold dear, so nothing we’ll fear,
and the songs that were sung shall not leave our lungs.

Bunden vers av INM
Läst 420 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-05 23:35

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