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En av de tidigare låttexterna jag har skrivit. Inspirerad av The Rasmus musik.


You’re falling down,
falling through the clouds.
The wings you made, couldn’t carry the weight
of you being alone.
You’re falling down.

It’s impossible to fly,
to reach for the sky
when all you can rely on is yourself.
It’s meaningless to try.
You’re wasting your life.
In the end we’ll all end up alone,
walking down a lonesome road

You close your eyes,
whispering “Good-bye”.
You’re terrified
to stay alive,
for another day.
You close your eyes.

You’re torn apart,
tears bursting through your heart.
You don’t want to let go
of the one thing you know will be here tomorrow.
You’re a flightless angel,
a lost soul searching
for a light you’ve never known.
With a heart so fragile
and a spirit that is burning.
Tonight, let me guide you home.

It’s time for you to leave,
I’ll see you in my dreams,
lying underneath forgotten skies.
As the moonlight hits your eyes,
I hope you’ll realize
in the end you never were alone.
I’ll walk with you
down this lonesome road.

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Publicerad 2016-03-05 23:34

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