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Random Madness

Knock, Knock...

Open Up, Open up!

- No.

Knock, Knock...
Open up, Open up!

- No..!

open up or I'm breaking the DOOOR!!!

-But you're banging on MY MIND!

Yes like NEVER BEFORE!!!

-Who the FUCK are you??!?! I don't want to hear what you say!

I am YOU, yes, it's TRUE and now I'm here, HERE TO STAY!!!

-It's my MIND, I'm the BOSS now get the FUCK out my way!!

So this TIME I assume you will be letting me IN??!?!
If there's no ACTIONS in you ACTS the chances are slim.
So tell me again now, in what mindstate are you in?!

-This is crazy!

That's damn right!

- What's is happening?! This is a poem, but you're rapp'ning?

I guess I do, yes it's true, by the way I AM YOU!!!
It's your mind and like glue, it's attached right to you!!!

-So you're saying... You are me, we are both one, the same?

Yes, just like that! like two pilots in a plane, I got the left side of your skull,
You got the right side of your brain! So now let's DO something DIFFERENT
before you derail this whole train!!!

-Ok! Fine, I see. That's the way it has to be. What's the plan, let me see?
I am I, you are.. me?!

Well, your kind of right, but it's more complex than that. But I see your point, hard to trust the rabbit in the hat.. let tell you something that might make you understand...

-But if you're me, I should already know?

No, now let's just stick to the plan!
Why don't you picture a fan who idolizes a man, then merge with his ideas, now is he still just a fan of the man?!
Just like the soda in the can, what you drink you concieve, so if you think about a meal for your mind to conceal all the thoughts that you have, can we make that a deal?

-What do you mean?

Will you eat it?

-Eat what?

Humans feelings?

-Cheap shot!

But it's true! If you eat my feelings I will merge into you!
Trancemutation of the mind, rebirth, you'll be as new.
So if I offer you some mindfood, you'll take a chop out this stew?

- Fine, I'll try. don't even ask me why.

Good, good! As one we'll be complete! As one we'll conquer and no one can compete!
I'm the Yin to your Yang I was created in your brain, by the reason that you needed me to not turn insane!

-Fine I'll take a bite, just hand me the spoon.
So, are we aiming for the stars or are we going to the moon?
*takes a bite*
Mmm...taste good, like a new refrashing flavor!
I can feel that this mindfood will be great for my behavior!
Thanks for finding me at last, I feel you'll be my savior!

Take it easy, just chill, it's a meal not a pill. Don't be worry you're not ill.
And we're the same, same one still..!
Now, with these new skills that we got from merging all togheter,
I guess we should start to conquering things right now and stop, how about never?

Hey?!? You there? I'm talking here!
Knock, Knock
Open UP, are you hiding in there?

Oh... Right.. we merged..

Bunden vers (Rim) av DarkEmotions
Läst 260 gånger
Publicerad 2016-11-17 19:26

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