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Ingredients of soul

As ambiguous as poem
As colorful as rainbow
As dark as the night
As sweet as dreams
I go far and far
Looking for a motherland of my soul

Does it taste bitter?
I don’t know
Maybe it’s a flavor of freedom
Irritatingly sweet sour
Overwhelmingly joyful, while
So shakingly afraid
And lonely

But my head is clear
As sharp as sword
Cut through my trembling soul
Freezingly hold on
My free
Where is home?

Days are like ages
Years fly as dawn
I have no home
Only a soul sleeping shelter
So I can move whenever I dream
To wherever I intend

Fri vers (Fri form) av bluedröm VIP
Läst 314 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2018-01-15 11:26

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bluedröm VIP