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Stay present

I’m watching my 5 year old cutting a piece of paper into a “cloud”. Her focus and presence is 100%. It’s incredible how easy she gets caught up in the present moment. All that seems to matter to her is this moment, nothing else exists – no future- no past – just now.

I’ve spent most of my life worrying about the future and fighting with the past. Where did that take me? Right here – close to 40 years old and alive and kicking. Did any of that worrying and fighting give me anything more than pain, not really. Would I have gotten here anyway? I’m sure I would have, probably even further in terms of well being.

Looking at my daughter again, her being in the moment seems to be the natural state for her. And they say we grow smarter…
When do we stop being present right here and now? And why?

Some will argue that we have to think about the future to plan stuff – sure! Plan what needs to be planned and then go back to the present moment.
Some will argue that we need the past to have an identity. I say, be who you are right now – not the person society shaped you into year by year.

Regardless, think about the last time you really where present, when all that mattered was right there. What future issues or past incidents affect you in that moment? None right?

Stay present!

Övriga genrer av jesper svensson
Läst 208 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2018-02-05 04:51

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great observation you're right at the door to harmony and happiness, and you who?
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jesper svensson