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holy grail

he sailed to e grail, 

to the holy grail. 

this windy spike 

this human hive. 

loveable as a orshides thrive, 

windy foam and windy night. 

seal the deal or dye with this uncertain night.

he sailed to the beyond 

and beyond his creature waited his love,

his one. 

untouchable fig 

uncertain thing.

theryingly loved and missed. 

thourogly missed and loved. 

and theringly rejected. 

thourogly hated. 

within him there was this infinite missing. 

this night he sailed to the grail he lost everything by a touch.



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Läst 247 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2021-03-05 14:51

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  Eugen VIP
Alla har sin Grail, en del vet bara inte om det själva. Bra snidat!

  Larz Gustafsson VIP
Den s k heliga graalen är en myt.
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