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Dikt, som blev en låt.

Days of hope

Emptied salt lake, dried out yet craving waves size of mountains
Playing it over and over again, days of hope, literal and true
Cliffs no longer need to protect the land from the waves
Reflections of the sky, gone there’s cracks in the seabed.
So much to say, the surface that reflected the inevitable is no more.

The everlasting hope of man is pulling you in and away - and down to a place,
With no chance to breathe, live, travel, music, feast. Burial.
Constellations fade in the light shade of numbness,
Only held with the batten of my own strength that weakens,
Down, down, down you go with unclear images of a surface swirling upwards,
Down you must go.

Looking out to see nothing. Nothing on the plains I see,
Cracks where I stood, cracks where I put my foot. Cracks
You burn yourself on heath, on the black coal, on the cool of cold
Cold burns vicious, bitter from resentment, unclear why - Why? Why?
Rolling seaweed gone, barnacle fossils left. Century of apologies,
forgiveness, no.

So much to say, so little space, can't hold me back so you thought it was right to put me in the shade.

So much to say, so little space, can't hold me back so you thought it was right to put me in the shade.

So much to say, so little space, can't hold me back so you thought it was right to put me in the shade.

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Läst 91 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2021-10-31 23:19

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