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I see something dark at the horizon
It's getting closer each second
Step by step
But when i look closely
It's like It's already here, beside me

Haunting me
Mocking me
Inside of me

Being both a cloud over my head
A shadow behind my back
And at the same time, being me.

I suppose i didn't realise that i was looking into a mirror at first
That darkness caught my attention as soon as I laid eyes on it
Focusing only on that, not the whole picture

For what am i if not darkness?
Maybe light?
Or maybe just nothing?

That's the question i guess, when you look in the mirror.
What is it that you see?

Maybe a battlefield
Or a scorned soul
Or what if you see pure light
Maybe sadness
Or happiness
A scarred inside
Or outside
Maybe pain
Or maybe love

Maybe the answer is what you want to see
What you want to focus on.
The good or the bad, or maybe both

Fri vers (Fri form) av Emmasa98
Läst 143 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2022-03-12 10:45

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