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"Trying may be the beginning of inspiration. If you do not place the pen in your hand you do not know what it may give".

Is it not so with life itself? If one by fear refuses to see one will in eternity stay blind. If one refuses to try the soul will forever be kept in silence without the whispering of the heart's inner longing.

Humanity can choose to walk around in eternity, searching for the answer of what happiness truly is according to the unwillingness to see. Or one could let her fear fade away like the fog that disapears when the morning sun rises behind the hills.

"Life is not fare"
- I know a man who live life in fear.


Fri vers (Fri form) av MayaN
Läst 86 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2022-03-18 23:05

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