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I an burning, I am burning up. Is this the love that I feeling?

This is for me alien words

If you feel that you are walking,
oround in a sense of fire,

or like you try to wisper
when you is listening through a wire,

are you burning, are you buring up,
is there love that you are feeling?

Prosa av lodjuret/seglare VIP
Läst 210 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2022-09-20 12:33

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  lodjuret/seglare VIP
Rad två, ord ett, skulle vara 'around', inte 'oround', så slarvigt av mig, det brukar inte hända. Eller den stundom använda filmrepliken 'This is maybe not happening to the other fellow'. Ordet 'maybe' kunde jag bara inte låta bli att bifoga meningen.
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lodjuret/seglare VIP