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You won't have my soul it is stronger than your fears.

Ok, come to me demon!

The darkness hides treasures like gold and nightmares like torture.
You are hidden there with the demon beside your soul.
Holding onto your waist as he want's you to be afraid to let go of the pages you and him wrote.
After all these weeks of torture.
Let go of the book instead.
Do not torn those pages out.
Be a part of your nightmare.
Let your nightmare matter because of you and not it. Do something with it.
Pour out the ink on those pages.
Step on the demon's foot.
See how it reacts.
It wants you to feel cold, ill, helpless and alone.
After all you been
You still shining.
will you give up that golden treasure within you, just like that?
Is it still worth to fight for?

Skapa | Skriva av Eve Maria
Läst 88 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2022-11-30 16:02

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Eve Maria
Eve Maria