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Alas, summer will begin it's long rest.
It is devine justice at it's best.
How melancholic that nature is beautiful at her dying chest.

A young child ask why this is;
Why nature change and become like this.
From blooming fields to lack of bliss.

Then we stop and wonder like a child, why nature is so fragile but also wild.

You give the child the chance to answer for itself, instead of giving answers found in bookshelves.

And the child will seek the answers that are true, and also bring back the child in you;

All the trees and greens die to gather strength. They will be born and die again to last at length.

Anette Sept, 2020

Bunden vers (Rim) av MemoryLane VIP
Läst 30 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-04-07 19:50

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