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early morning anal gang-bang


I do know something about the gay culture.
I lived with two gays for about a year.
One is dead now, died in his sleep.
He told me in Seattle it is ''pos'' or ''neg'' as far as hiv
And like a girl told me at psyk ''det finns bromsmediciner för allt''
(I did not sleep with her)
So in Seattle you also have a lot of crystal meth
Well I don't know about that
But just like females
There is gay (and we are talking about male ''gays'') prostitutes
So anyways to get to an early morning anal gang-bang fantasy story
Well gays also prefer blow-jobs as their primary way of sex
And in jail, the hard-core jails, the males uses jello or jelly for licking each other's assholes
Simple as that, then they cum
So here is the fantasy story:
Stor claes said pull down your pants johan
and johan would not do it
Stor claes said again to johan pull down your pants
and johan would not do it
In his cute manliness and trance johan said ''stor claes you pull down your pants''
and they went in claws' room the office and Stor claes obliged, in normal speed pulling down the pants
Johan's voice became authoritative ''and the knickers''
Stor claes in medium pace, again, took off his knickers
Johan was ready to rip this asshole up
Then a voice came from below, or was it up top,
A microphone that said no homosexual activity in the office
And everyone was laughing that saw the scene
Stor claes and johan had no idea people were watching
Johan never got to pull out his schlong
The microphone was on
And when claws' voice came on you obeyed
So everybody went home unhappy
Except for the crowd that got a good laugh
And well... till next time... if there is a next time

Prosa av Page Goldenboy VIP
Läst 19 gånger
Publicerad 2024-05-03 09:18

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