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dedikerad en viss Julia :)

Kissable Heart

Was it when you gave me your smile
In your own incomparable way

Was it when you held my hand
And took me away

To kiss my heart
With your elegant fingertips

Was it when the world around me
Just faded away

Around those charming eyes
Into that calming voice
Afloat those curly lips
Caressing those elusive hips

Tell me, when did you make me
Love your kissable heart?

Was it when the world around me
Just washed away

With your catching laugh
Amidst your soothing breath
Down your beating chest
To embrace you like only lovers can do

I can’t possibly tell, so -
Tell me, how did you make me
Love your kissable heart?

Fri vers av fadedfromblack
Läst 502 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-16 23:53

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