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Slaves of the World

Hear my call.
When the time has come,
I will free you all.

Those of you who captured are
in cellars cold and dark,
I will heal your deepest scar
and light your inner spark.

Those of you who often feel
that you need to hide,
I will bring my swords of steel
and stand there by your side.

Those of you who seldom find
a place where you belong,
I will help you ease your mind
and sing a little song.

All you people everywhere,
break your chains and rise.
Another world awaits out there,
Earth is Paradise.

Fri vers av Håkan Tendell
Läst 740 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-08-28 22:41

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Wow, den berör och tycks omfatta oss alla dessutom. Sånt gillar jag :)

    Elin Sundström
Mycket fin dikt med stor dos av hoppfullhet och värme. Snygg dikt!
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Håkan Tendell
Håkan Tendell