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Tänkt att bli en låttext men det har inte utveklats i dne rikting som jag ville. Kommentera gärna!


Wrap me into your arms
and let me dissapear
let me pull my fingers through
your hair
let me stay there
and i can go anywhere

soft and light
let us spin into the night
4.14 and eyes so bright
make me yours with the light

Another 1000 spins around
our heads heavy on the ground
make me speak without a sound
let me find what\'s not yet found

Carve in your name
under my skin
make me see what lies within
make me feel,
and let me in
take me where i\'ve never been

Lying lost in your embrace
the world is carved into your face
my whole body
full of daze
you fill me up,
and then erase

You were inside my head
you kissed the pieces that i\'d spread
you where here,
you saw me fall
i guess i loved you after all

Fri vers av Kräm
Läst 351 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-12-12 17:43

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