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shots #7 film with no end 1 - the girl called smile


& the girl w. her pockets full of dreams hand out blank flyers to the tourists

w. three eyes & a tail; & maybe it means nothing at all - really - that's she

runs to you on bare feet tatoo'd w. black roses whispering that all your

innermost secrets are written with her saliva on the empty flypaper she nails

to your forhead; & maybe it means nothing at all - really - that you remain

inanimate in/silence as she dance across the town square; laughing - watching

as her shadow fade against the cobble-stone street; until nothing else remains

except irregular flashing white spots between throbbin traffic lights & maybe

just maybe it means nothing at all - really - that the daughters of the night fall

like rain; hard under my feet; but your mouth holds neither thistles nor roses


but silver rockets & guillotines; still no one's noticing how she carefully folds

her underwear into paperplanes before she let them fly like rags in the wind

across the sea; a way of saying goodbye; & maybe it means nothing at all

that in the morning you find her naked - crying little white clouds through

every single point of her own reality - screaming [out of pride as much as

discontent] to the wind a demanding WHY; does it mean anything att all

- really - when the answer is nothing but a discomforting echo from aeons

of degeneration; black lace & white latex boots on diry pavements; & maybe

just maybe it means nothing at all - really; that the only answer you get when

you ask her name is a smile; & maybe it means nothing, nothing at all

Fri vers av nicklas ekström
Läst 531 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-05-22 02:50

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