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färdig eller inte, den har legat och skräpat länge nog på min hårddisk. eventuellt skriver jag mer på den senare.

shots #2.3 are you there yet?

now imagine you’re in a room; sitting on a chair with yr hands relaxed on yr thighs. now imagine the room is void of light; not darkness just the absence of light. now imagine the room is empty; except for you - and the chair you’re sitting on. now imagine a sound. like a giant sledgehammer pounding aginst the outer walls of the room. close yr eyes. are you there yet?
now imagine you press yr hand against your ears; to shut out the sound. now imagine you scream out into the room that is void of light. now imagine that no one can hear yr screams; not even you. now imagine the room begins to quake. now imagine you start to fall; but there’s no floor to catch you. now imagine you fall uninterrupted for an hour; with yr hand pressed against your ears and a scream not even you can hear. close your eyes. are you there yet?

now imagine. close yr eyes. are you there yet?

now imagine you wake up; & the room yr in is knee deep w. snow, and outside the windows a giant fish curiously watching; every move you make. now imagine the room; outside the room. now imagine the room is truly empty and you are merely observing a residual memory; of a thousand lost dreams; close yr eyes. now imagine you wake up in total silence; blind or blindfolded. are you there yet?
now imagine cars hiss outside the boarded windows; the living-dead parade. now imagine you can’t see them & they can’t see you. close yr eyes - dream; now imagine the room you’re in starts to shrink. now imagine the phone rings from beneath the floor & the lights begin to flicker uncontrollably; you run but there is nowhere to run; there is no outside. are you there yet?

awake or dreaming - running screaming - is that the question?

now imagine close yr eyes are you there yet?

well ...

are you?

Fri vers (Fri form) av nicklas ekström
Läst 461 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-21 12:21

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    Erika H
svarar ja. svarar nej.
jag är här. på andra sidan. inga drömmar. ingen vakenhet. ett intet. besudlat med alla ord. handlingar. som jag inte velat men som jag gett. går inte att ta bort. erfarenhet. visst! och sen? vidare. men fan ta... för alla golv som runnit. alla väggar som tryckt. sett. hört. och Moder Theresa som förlåter. går förbi som om inget. och det är verkligen inget. för nu är jag här. fullständigt betagen i alla monster. alla synder. som du skriver på min hud. och jag faller. långsamt in i tystnaden. av igår.
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nicklas ekström
nicklas ekström