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shots #9 whispers of an immortal you


dead end; windswept window pains; riding petroleum clouds to the end of ...

cymbaline; dirty bitch; full of grace; riding petroleum clouds to the end of ...


so high she'll never; come down never hit the climax; she's a freakshow baby

a freakshow baby her own; final hit; no solution another dead end/beat beat

dawn cracks her skull; wide eyes on the horizon the alchemyth of time / heart

beat; immaculate penetration drive; drive as deep as deep as another dream of ...

so deep she'll never ride another vulture called amnesia; not another dream of ...


deadbeat; wasted mythologies of numbskull in the netherworlds; of butchers eyes

mirror of distortion trapped behind a wall of purity the filth; of her ... exorcised

bloodshot the last of screeching nights in purple haze & sickly pink; pale skies

deadzone/comfort zone; no more total annihilation the final disease; c'mon let's

fry for a while in the interim of ... waking up the world stops & blinded she;


rise from her bed of rotting flowers riding petroleum clouds to the end of ...

blackhearted cymbaline; toxic eyes riding petroleum clouds to the end of ...


& pain is no more than a higher state of pleasure [she said; she said] as dreams are

a higher state of consciousness & reality just a fraud; unholy concoction of inhibitors;

the end of nothingness is always just beyond time is a; cruel mistress; fucking w. our

minds our; now/here any;where yet another death in the house of lost; dreams - yet another life gone out of - eyes as deep as deep as; driven through scarred windowpains


reclaim the blinding headlights w. wide open eyes; this pagan night a frenzied dance

on fire; naked under a smiling moon a celebration of life in the face of; death still to

be written in the stars of the interim; the between in severed faces forgotten by all who

never; loved - you -  like -  i - did; who never rode the elevator of; yr soul bleeding w.

a tongue full of needles the cigarette burning yr; fingers the eyes of hurricane you - un/


/leash the beasts you gave; yr life to & ride the petroleum cloud to the end of ...

fuck the future & rip the past to shreds ride the petroleum cloud to the end of ...


drown me in a pool of yr; fatal kiss from beyond

yr sweet fires yr venus flytrap; ride me to the end ... to the end of ...

these valleys of brownstone & solitude paved w. liquid asphalt

& deviations of the wind; whisper yr name; yr face reflected in every window

insatiable relentless unforgiving

immortal - the ghost of you - whispers inside my head


& this night never ends; cymbaline

you are one & me

the blind conveyor of sex w.out bodies

words that are

undetermined by ... cracked mirrors

& yr face

carved in numbers behind my eyes


i feel yr presence still; yr passionate

touch; the breath of yr kisses like

waves of electricity


electric surges like

poison in my





action/re action




the blinded beast


filth; yr last trip



riding petroleum clouds to the end of the ...



no/more last words; a final chapter

an end to cute nightmares; no more screams into dark rooms no more; waking

in cold sweat with white faces staring through the windows; the photograph is

fading away in flames; leaving my memories scarred; burnt

nothing more than ashes to be swept

away by the wind; a whisper

Fri vers av nicklas ekström
Läst 509 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-07-02 15:47

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