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If It Rains Tomorrow

if it rains tomorrow
we can do the museums
we'll watch the stand ups of the stand outs
read about the fallen sand houses
flock amongst whatever arises
if it rains tomorrow
we'll do that

if it rains tomorrow
we'll take the street down where the light is
and tremble on untramped landmarks
we can do the boat thing another day
when the water and waives are less at sway
if it rains tomorrow

if it rains tomorrow
we'll run for shelter under oaktrees
and find a hideout at the old stairways
we'll laugh out loud
and loud out us
with open potsprings
until spring comes in different income

we'll find our way home

if it rains

Prosa (Prosapoesi) av Skosnöret
Läst 206 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-02 20:05

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