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Gillar egentligen inte engelska texter men..här är en ialla fall Min kärlek till Moder jord

Here am I

Like my footsteps making there path in the
Woodland setting the way to man they
Ask me where do I stand?

And I answer it's my connection
to the gods, out of hand
standing and rouling in a diffrent land

And here am I in a lollyby trying to make a verse
That maby will be heard and so you kiss me an hug me softly but I keep on screaming..
Where is my dream, were is the turn

For a better world

Trying to wisper I always will be the
missunderstanding kind
A child of mine

says She remeber the time that I
always seemed to be playing
saving a moment for the praying

And here I am, dancing in the forest for my loved ones
And those in need
Blessing the stones and all them who walk the way to hear the streaming

For a better world

Fri vers av Yrre VIP
Läst 206 gånger
Publicerad 2009-01-20 08:16

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Yrre VIP