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you took my heart so I wrote you a song

it was in may
like a storm
you came and took my breath away
I still remember today
my feelings for you
that will always stay the same

you are so fine
thinking about you all of the time
and when I look in your eyes
my whole world's shining
you make me feel so alive

you changed my sight
you changed my life to something better
you're the only one I need
you're the only one I want
I never thought I would find someone just like you

my words will keep
your heart with the clouds above
as the same as mine
is beating in your hands
do you feel the love

come close my love
so I can kiss your face
I know where I am
but the taste of your lips
take me to another place

you changed my sight
you changed my life to something better
you're the only one I need
you're the only one I want
I never thought I would find someone just like you

Fri vers av nc
Läst 491 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-29 16:06

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