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explicit poetryslam (adjacent okomparabelt 1. intilliggande, som befinner sig alldeles bredvid 2. precis före eller precis efter
On the adjacent page. På motstående sida.) Bilden: Jay Z & Beyonce drunk

Adjacent (explicit poetryslam without any mainstream TV bleeps)


On the rewritten theme
Beyonce's would more suitably be "If I were a whore"
sleeping her way to the top with cockpop rappers like Jay Z
like Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey & Janet Jackson before
some get the olivebranches for all they have accomplished
but she might get led out with a towel like a musicmurdertrial to hide her face in shame
through the door
Jackson family bootcamp kidsstars once more
with the whip in the hands of the father and the mother sewn all their little clothes
they're adjacent and ignorant

The ones that only competes and never shares the same big picture
even with once called friends
are the only ones that never can be my friend
they're not even an individual since they always compare themselves with others and not themselves
whose a whore
Paris Hilton who shops til she drops cause it's hot
and effortless, painless, without any real threat to either minds or governments
or the fools watching it like Perez Hilton, steal a name, steal another identity, stalk someones life
earn a buck, but it's still only your brain that's fucked
like life you don't even get it when you're spreading 100 dollar bills around
at least Paris plays dumb for free
while the stalkers are the real al-Qaida terrorists of the Hollywood gentry
Yoda says: under same law be should they
can you say the same about the world's paparazzi
we need a paparazzi razzia
remember Diana
After which Richard Gere, good friend of Tibet like me, made "reporters" stay 100 m from every star
best ruling by a judge in High Court so far

maybe Tommy Lees punching out a guy putting a camera into Pamelas face had something to do with it too, (cause it wasn't Tommys),
was worth the million dollar fee, he said smiling, afterwards after a three year tabloid hell spree
let's start a music rehab trend for the songs not the artist as much anymore
and lock away any paparazzi with them who breaks the rules and let's take their earnings for every photo, not even leaving enough money for pizza,
they ever took of any actor too like Will Smith, Tyra Banks or Samuel L. Jackson
and buy some plastic computers to the kids in their Motherland Africa
but then again som families sell their first pics of the kids to the highest bidder
with prime time television interviews with sneak peeks not of their newest album, flick or show but footage with almost the same sounds as you gave birth as the night you got pregnant
a prisonplanet in the next galaxy's too good for them
what time is it? it's Saturday Night Live...comedy cures every hell...and music fever
well then it's time for rehab
Only one that balance the score is Snoop Dogg Doggfather forevermore
cause the rest of your fucking mind's adjacent and vacant

Drinking wine tearing up their jeans looking so fine
asleep at night til early morning dew little preteen princess on the bare ground
awaken and not knowing how many guys had their mind in the gutter or a helping hand last night
might now when their face or bare booty ass turns up on Drunken GFs websites
around the world not in 8 days but 8 minutes, 8 seconds

"What shall we do with a horny maiden,
What shall we do with a horny maiden,
What shall we do with a horny maiden,
Early in the morning?

Hoo–ray/Wey–hey/Heave-ho and up she rises,
Hoo–ray/Wey–hey/Heave-ho and up she rises,
Hoo–ray/Wey–hey/Heave-ho and up she rises,
Early in the morning!"

Even spread by motherfucking blogging wannabe MILF teenage moms online "in preventive" purposes
part of the crime because in their own minds
Ice Cube and Ice Ts the villains and that's why they try and hide and scare their daughters with 'em
and in their parental moral majority smallminded life they think it's ok
cause they made a dime and vote for whoever they are told to vote
but what they don't get is that hip-hops
making billions
as I said
who's the pro - who's the mediawhore without a soul
it's adjacent and absent

LPWJ 08/08/09

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av L Patrik W Johansson VIP
Läst 516 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2009-08-08 20:19

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L Patrik W Johansson VIP