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Poem of the Universe

I have traveled far and swiftly, across yon deep and leaning sky.
I have witnessed a nova's burst, and saw a living planet die.
Across the voids of space unmeasured, Oh yea, Omsa-La-Juwann:
I have pierced the quantum octaves, mastered hyper warps in time.

Vaulting onward o'er the spiral, on a journey here to save:
Fellow beings wrought of madness, from yon weeping, living grave.
Nestled there upon the ether, as a jewel among the stones:
Earth the precious orb of legend, soon your glowing shall be done.

Children of the living waters, possessors of the staff of reason:
Beings of celestial promise, doomed to perish in mid-season.
From the stone axe to the heavens, lo' the vision did not fade:
Still that pulsing seed of hatred, lay thy fate beneath the spade.

Before me the planet lay in shambles, eco-destruction beyond repair:
By the greed of false controllers, acids now permeate the air.
Pristine waters from the mountains, die en-route down to the sea:
Thus to hasten soon the horror, the sapien race may cease to be.

All my dreams of bio-perfection, was but just a futile deed:
Seeking to create a pure utopia, we unleashed a monster seed.
Still within them lay the spirit, to transcend the rabid beast:
And to comprehend the Omsa of the elements of peace.

Oh ye' marvels of creation, why have you not sought the light:
Must you fade into the shadows, of that still, cold azure night.
Unto you my sign is written, there upon the living fields.
Lo' the circle is eternal, though you perish, you yet shall live.

Interfacing the acids, beneath some new Jurassic sea:
To turn again and scan the heavens, and to learn again to be, to be.
If I did not breach your stratus, you would surely some day breach mine:
Tis a factor without question, tis a factor but of time.

I have not returned to conquer, nor to alter the flow of fate:
But simply to gather a certain number, soon before it is too late.
Too unstable to embrace, yet far too noble to cast away:
Beautiful life form though unsuccessful, might succeed another day:
There upon the flowering meadows, Oh, shining precious Biaveh.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Rasengan
Läst 277 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-11-08 21:15

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