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(Skriven 1 år sen)

Don't recycle the life of others, due to your faults

What is wrong with today's life?
What is the point of achieving limited sleep,
when the only thing you do,
is to hurt yourself.
Why are grades rather more important,
than how you feel,
than how you live.
Why should you be judged by the way you think,
than being complemented for what you achieve?
Why do I have to waste my life in a way that many suffers.
It'll be harder,
It'll be difficult,
Yes we know.
Because that is your only answer
to any of our questions.
Bringing up the past,
as a way to make us pity you.
No we didn't have computers,
no we didn't have the level of science,
presented today.
But you didn't have such knowledge after all those years,
that are standard for us today.
We offer our lives,
our social lives,
our healthy lives.
For what?
The matter of surviving the market?
You always complain that your childhood was wasted,
but why do you expect ours to be different?
We are being fumbled around,
as some pieces of a big game,
Obligated to make the player win,
but at any cost of the pieces.
We try to change,
we try to explain,
our endless nights,
our endless caffeine abuse.
What has this life come to,
where all you do,
is wish for it to end?
You're born,
you get forced to learn to then work.
Forced to work to be able to survive.
But what do we survive from?
From out past,
or our future?
You're the future,
you're the change.
But before we leave,
we will leave you a hell.
Cuz we're obligated to save,
whatever you all did before us.
So once again about the pressure,
it's not so bad,
we just have to save the world.
And school will not let us sleep

Fri vers (Fri form) av rymdalven
Läst 243 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2017-03-29 22:05

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