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Ash and bones

We are all individuals in a world where being unique
is wrong,
Weird and painful.
But also in a world where you can't be the same.
The same are bullying the unique,
The unique bullies the same.
Skin and bone,
We're the same.
As left and right.
But still,
People use steel and rust,
To shut those with skin
and bone.
No one said it was easy,
But no one either said that you,
Will be running for your life,
Running for skin and bone.
They say you don't know what you've got,
Until it's gone,
Until it's ashes.
Because we tend to sorrow when
Skin and bones turns into
Ash and dust.
But until that,
You're nothing but skin and bone.
Not unique for anyone,
But still not the same for everyone.
Until the end.

Fri vers (Fri form) av rymdalven
Läst 280 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2017-03-29 22:05

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