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A Constant Flow

As the river flows in one direction so does life. For the most part you follow the flow of the water. You might snag a little branch or a rock from time to time that makes you stumble. But you rise and continue with ease. Sometimes it diverges into several directions and you will have to make a choice of what path to walk upon. Here one easily strays from the purpose of the path and turn around to where they have already been.

To go against the flow, one will struggle. One will get knocked down repeatedly, the river will carry you downstream back to the same fork in the road. It will try to push you forwards because it knows something you do not. To dwell in the past is to dig a hole in the middle of the river. You will struggle for no particular purpose, except that you told yourself that this hole needs to get dug. It needs to be there. We dig thousands of holes during our lifetime and all of them are equally wasted. The only contribution we have given is a deeper river, hence the next hole will be an even bigger cumbersome attempt at achieving something.

We are creatures of habit. We continue to do things with no regard of the damage it could cause. Some of us have accumulated the amount of understanding needed to see what it can do to us. Yet one cannot simply reverse the process. It takes time, willpower, struggle, endeavor and foremost determination to figure out that to go against the current of the river is to go against time and humanity itself. We are constantly evolving and experiencing changes that we must adept for. Because what happens when one does not adept, well you go back to digging your hole in that abyssal of a river you once traversed with ease. Sooner or later one will drown if rescue is not upon them.

What could possibly throw a buoy that pulls you from the depths of the blue you carved for so long, it can be an almost infinite amount of components. Acknowledgement, respect, purpose, joy, affection, sympathy, understanding but foremost love. Humans are fueled by two things. Information and love. The affection that we get from love gives us purpose. We want to find that someone to help us carry life forward. With that person we can get a better understanding of who we are as a single individual and as a piece of a bigger puzzle. From that understanding we get information, we can persevere the struggles with ease. When one can share themselves with another, bliss can be reached. One can achieve a form of tranquility.

No matter how deep you dig your hole never forget to pause and look for the surface. The sun might shine down upon you through the deep blue, and at that point you will see your buoy. Follow it towards bliss. Follow it towards happiness and forget the abysmal depth.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Getoji
Läst 214 gånger
Publicerad 2019-03-05 12:15

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