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Oh my God

Be still
Open up
Reveal silence

Suddenly an explosion comes

It is alive

The greatest gift comes rushing through

Endless compassion
Unconditional true unlimited love
Energy so humbling bringing you down on your knees
The force of the ultimate power in the universe and beyond
Strength stronger than the foundations of the world
Intelligence of the highest order

As it takes you and you fall into bliss
As it shakes your very core

There is the greatest seeing of all

You are that and this bliss and shaking only takes place in that which you are

Welcome home
You will never be the same again

You are that
Now simply be that

Oh my God
Oh my God

Fri vers av Agapius
Läst 265 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-03-01 21:44

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