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Want to forget the time

I woke up today with my thought of us together again
i don´t want to remember I don´t want to think but i do

All I Want is to be happy again but You is in the way
I don´t know what to do anymore
I want to forget all the time
I want to forget the time when
we said goodbye, when we had good times
I want to forget all the kisses

Just the song let my mind gos crazy about you
please let me live my life by my one
for god sake give me a chance to breathe

I want tio break free from those minds
from them how make me cry becouse of you
I want to have a last hug from the person how
broke my heart for the last time

Fri vers av CheetaraMedKaos
Läst 246 gånger
Publicerad 2010-03-27 19:59

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