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The devil in me is you

You are the one who makes me stop. You are the one that beats me down. You are the on who dosen't care. You are the one who likes to yell.

You are the one who makes me stop. You are the one who makes me scared of failing. You are the one who makes me fail. You are the one i hate.

But i have noticed i become more and more like you.

That is what scares me the most.

I have promised thousands of times to myself not to become like you.

Because i don't want to become like you. You are the devil. And i want to brake this.

I am not going to be like you. I refuse.

Fri vers av babyvamp-emma
Läst 242 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2011-10-20 07:39

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